The next big Kickstarter project has been doing great guns, exceeding its target and going into production for sure.
We liked it so much, we have backed the project with our own cash.......
Neat and waterproof this interesting project has been approved for Google Play Store access, yes on a smartwatch ?! The OS looks a little like the Moto Actv, but its far more functional.
Kickstart for this awesome project is still open - for $189 you can jump on board before the 27 days is up. With a retail of $299 the kickstarter price is a bargain....Interested ? read on here Omate TrueSmart at Kickstarter.
Their latest update is as follows :-
Welcome to Omate TrueSmart. Our first official Update - Must start with a BIG THANKS to everyone for such a great Kickstart.
Your funding has helped us start production preparations already, thats the first good news. The funding goal has been secured. Now, the Omate Team is focusing on Time-To-Market and is dedicated to deliver the TrueSmart on time and on quality - Developers in October and Users in November.
The second good news is: :
Omate TrueSmart will be shipped with Google Play apps store included.
There has been a consideration that not all apps in the Google Play apps store may give the best experience on the wrist. We may still consider having an additional App store or other methods such as a directory or list to help users spot and get Apps that have been tested to be a great experience with the Omate TrueSmart. This would also allow us to help Developers highlight and promote their TrueSmart / Smartwatch apps (or Smartwatch version of their apps).
With Google Play apps store support, users and developers would have the ability to try and tests all kinds of apps - the Worlds largest collection of Apps. Powered by a Dual-core 1.3GHz processor and a full Android 4.2.2, a new world opens that no other Smartwatch has done before. We hope this will stimulate ideas, discussions and interaction for the better of TrueSmarrt / Smartwatch app environment. It is about time (pardon the pun) for Smartwatch 2.0
A shout out to all supporters who have contributed to this discussion of Google Play apps store here on the Project or on our Google+ community (+Omate TrueSmart). Together we shall make Omate TrueSmart the TrueSmart aka Smartwatch 2.0 aka The Peoples Smartwatch - Thanks!
See you in the next Update and in the community.
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