
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Unlike New Year Jolla video recording and html5 test

reviewjolla wishes
Unlike New Year 2014 !

Mobile view

Jolla camera takes mp4 videos - which need to be converted to mp4 for showing in the web

For testing the supported video formats in Sailfish Browser, I made a Short HD video clip with Jolla Smartphone at New Years Eve. Lets see which is/are the working way(s) to add a video and see it on Jolla Sailfish Browser:

1A. Original video (mp4mov) and audio, embedded with html5 code:

1B. Converted video (mp4/h264 codec), audio removed. Embedded with html5 code:

3. Youtube embedded video (auto converted by Youtube uploader)

RESULTS (Please comment if have other findings )  

HTML5 video embedding, watched in Sailfish Browser

- Videos from the phone must be converted (If Jolla should be able to show its own videos in its own browser)
- Framerate in dark surrounding was only 12 frames per second. Phone should be able to do FullHD recording with better frame rate (15fps or 30fps)
- When converting videos, it might show up upside down. Workaround: Turn your phone to the left (anticlockwise) when recording in landscape.
- The way to succeed: Convert the video with codec h264 (capsulation staying as mp4).

Embedded Youtube, watched in Sailfish Browser

- Video doesnt show in total (this 11 seconds video stops around 7 seconds, while the sound is still going on)
- Comparing the output between Jolla and Computer screen, the Youtube video format (automatic converting when uploaded) is laggy on Jolla
- However, the video starts and isnt upside down. This is the easiest way to show at least something.

HTML5 video, watched in other browsers

- All the biggest browsers heve their own support for HTML5 video formats. For full visibility, two converted versions are needed. In the good side, html5 code doesnt use iframes or Java. Supported formats:
  • Firefox: mp4, webM, ogg
  • Chrome:  mp4, webM, ogg
  • Internet Explorer: mp4
  • Safari:  mp4
  • Opera: webM, ogg

Other notes

Other formats but the phones own (mp4v), and converted mp4a (codec h264)  were not tested in Sailfish Browser, so I can only say that Jolla Browser does not support Jollas camcorder, but it does support h264 codec and html5 video.

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